Combo Physical Edition + PDF: Avery Chase
This double trouble combo contains both the physical and PDF versions of Avery Chase EP1 + EP2 giving you 76 (covers to covers) pages to flick through with your very agile fingers (or whatever it may be you use to turn pages or swipe left and right on your tablet).
Think of it as a nicely discounted two scoop ice cream that you eat with your eyes. The comics will be despatched as soon as possible while the PDFs will be accessible immediately.
Orders may take several weeks to arrive. Note to U.S. orders: Due to the current USPS situation orders may take a further excess of several weeks to arrive.
What lies between the folds? Have a peek:
Avery Chase EP1:
On a seemingly simple mission to retrieve some questionable material, we're introduced to our first look of our protagonist Avery Chase - a space man doing the hard and dangerous space jobs for hard earned space cash. This first mission sets the scene for a wild ride completely manipulated by one single instance that will have consequences much larger than anyone would like to imagine.
Though each episode has a resolution of its own, reading through them collectively will paint a better picture of the overall universe. What better place to start from than the beginning?
Avery Chase EP2:
In his next mission we find Avery calling upon the help of Leslie Dynamite, a close and formidable friend, as he attempts to recover something precious for his usual client - the mega-corporation S.S.A.
Experience the finer things in life as Leslie and Avery hustle through a retro fitted hotel like bulls in a china shop! Have a peek at some of the stranger things the universe has to offer that can be innocently charming, but incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands...
Physical and PDF copies of Avery EP1 + EP2